Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

The Man Brought Food...

Today we had Ferds favourite dinner - the one where a man knocks on the door and hands it over (I was too tired to cook - so this was birthday food treat early).

Anyway we had an Indian (takeout Indian from the city is SOOOOO much better than countryside offerings).

Ferdinand was allowed a little rice and a bit of popadom.

I think he was hoping for a little bit more. He does like takeaway, but we are all going out tomorrow (another birthday treat) and the last time Ferd had curry was when he was little and it didn't really agree with him - really didnt want to chance it (I will just say the result was messy).

And yep in the background is a broken blind - poor Ferdinand is suffering a bit from separation anxiety, where we lived before he was not allowed to be on his own (incident with neighbours dog and Ferd which ended with blood, trip to the vets, operation, stitches and a nervous Me when ever I see 'that' type of dog and well there is more to the story (a little bit more is here but I am still too angry to share the whole story (beyond saying that at the time Ferd was in the 'care' of a family member).

So we are now doing separation training, have a DAP diffuser (considering a thunder shirt) and well just keep on keeping on.

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