Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

I'm in trouble....again

Well today has just been a big pile of poo.

I was meant to be going to an Antiques Fair for one of my Birthday treats but Mr Mouse had a migraine.

Then I got a debt collection letter from eon for money that I dont and have never owed them - could I get though - NO.

Have landline issues, so had to use mobile so VERY expensive number - I was pretty angry anyway but after 10 minutes of screeching music and a recorded message "sorry blah blah blah your call is important to us" I was getting VERY VERY angry and well cant afford to be on hold all day at mobile prices.

Doubled checked account online (just to be sure) but yep account is all paid up.

Still havent been able to contact them - risk losing our electricity.

We only moved in a few months ago - as new customers they have not made a very good impression so yes you've guess it as soon as I can I WILL be switching supplier.

But then to top it all off in comes Ferdinand covered in yep his favourite Sodding fox poo - this is him looking smug after shower.

Its my birthday tomorrow so hoping it will be better (luckily antiques fair is a 2 day event, so maybe I will make it tomorrow).

Oh but there was something nice that happened - someone wrote a lovely blog about a package I had sent them

Think I will now cheer myself up those lovely people at have a 25% discount code for today....ooh those gloves are pretty..........ummmm do I need another handbag, I only have a 'few'.........fold away shopper now thats useful.....walker umbrella pretty........... *rummaging in sofa for spare cash*

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