
By EgyptUnveiled

Stevie (Wonder)

This is Stevie.

The photo is quite alarming, but behind the image is a happy story.

Wednesdays' are always an ACE day for me, helping out at the Luxor 'Animal Care Egypt' charity.

We received a call today, from one of our regular visitors and contributors. She had found a street dog and asked us to come into Luxor and take a look at him.

One of our 3 current, volunteer vets from the UK, jumped into the pick up truck and returned within a very short time, with, who we now call Stevie. We all peered into the back of the truck, to see this sad little boy, hanging his head and looking in need of lots of love, attention and a shower! His eyelids were folded in and he was unable to open his eyes comfortably.

After we bathed him, put antibiotic drops into his eyes, gave him food and water, the vets were able to diagnose 'Entropion.' This is a fairly common problem in dogs, in which the hair-bearing part of the eyelid, comes into contact with the eye and can cause eyesight problems if not treated.

Stevie, is having surgery to correct this tomorrow, he will stay at ACE as an inpatient, where he will be cared for, fed and loved until he is ready to start a new life. Not only has Stevie been rescued, but he gets to live with the lady that found him and her 2 dogs that she already has. Her heart tells her, that he is a wonderful natured dog and he deserves a chance.

We hope that his eye sight is not too damaged and will know more after the operation, but whatever happens, he is loved, in excellent hands and will be fit and happy very soon.

So you see, things are not always as bad as they initially seem.

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