Through The Autism Lens


Good Night

I asked Mom if I could have my sleepy meds (Melatonin) tonight because I am tired but can't sleep and I had a very unsettled night again last night. She was surprised to hear me ask because normally I run a mile when she mentions it!!

I am getting quite good at realising now when I need to take medicines to help me feel better, even though I don't like the taste of them. I am also now getting good at being able to express my emotions a bit better in order to let Mom or Dad know what is wrong with me when I am poorly or angry and that pleases me because I no longer have to scream and shout and throw myself down on the floor to get my point across. I have come a long way in a short space of time (so I hear Mom tell everyone on a regular basis!)

I have also been extra specially good at school this week. We are doing all about Doctor Who in shool on Friday and I can take in some of my Doctor Who Lego figures and also Friday is non-uniform day too, so I might dress up as The Doctor (or a Cyberman!) if Mom will let me!!!

PLEASE have a look at yesterday's Blip - It's one of my favourites and I think you'll all like it too

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