Through The Autism Lens


Day 1...

...A photo of yourself and 10 facts about you.

Mom is encouraging me to take photo's every day now by giving me challenges to do as of today. Some she will be using from the 200 Day Photo Challenge on Facebook and others she will make up herself, as lets face it, how can I take a photo of my favourite memory!?!? It's in my head silly, I suppose I could always take a photo of my head!!

Anyway, so to start off the challenge Mom has given me, here is todays and below are 10 facts about me you might not already know.

1) My name is Taylor James Baron
2) I am 7yr old
3) I LOVE Lego
4) I like taking photographs
5) I like dressing up and pretending to be a Skeleton Pirate
6) I like going to Blackpool Zoo
7) I love riding in my Nana's car
8) I love sleeping at my Nana's house every Friday night
9) I love my family
10) I am Autistic and in CONTROL of it

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