
By traceyflowerpot

Leaf ...

Its done nothing but rain again here all day, and its that wet rain, haha, if you get what I mean. I took this photograph of some droplets of rain on one of my plant leaves between the showers, at least something looks good in the rain.

Eric and I have been up town most of the day as I have ordered some studio lights off Ebay, they should be here sometime later next week. I have lots of different coloured back cloths but no frame to fix them to.

So Eric the genius,haha, came up with this brilliant idea to make one. You know the clothes rails you can buy, well thats what he made one from. It works brilliantly, I am so excited I cant wait to try it out especially with my new lights.

Woo hoo I am so excited. I am doing a photo shoot of a young lady a week Monday in her swimwear, part nude and wearing different clothes. I cant wait to try all my new equipment out then.

It looks more professional rather than a piece of cloth clamped to my wall, haha (not saying I am a professional though).

We are going to sit down and relax with a bottle of red wine this evening so I may not comment until tomorrow.

I hope it doesnt rain again tomorrow, its all it seem to do at weekends lately.

Thankyou Eric you are so clever, Tracey x

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