The Day I....

By Paega

The Day I Saw A Row Of Ducks

I'm pretty useless at wildlife photography, but this queue of ducks took my fancy today. I imagined them with briefcases waiting at a platform for a train. It was a good day for ducks today.

By the way the rabbit has escaped again and this time there is no sign of her and we are experiencing a good old storm. I'm hoping she's hunkered down under the shed and that she will be back in her hutch tomorrow. She's probably doing a Rambo and has blackened her face and fashioned a head band. Better watch out for traps tomorrow when the search resumes.

In The News? The Day of The Big Strike. Well apart from it being on the news I wasn't affected at all. The danger here is that if the strikes continue then people might start asking how they can manage with so few people in work and whether they need so many in the first place. The one thing that really is noticeable is the lack of a really charismatic Union leader. Say what you care about the likes of Jack Jones, they were at least entertaining. With Cameron vs. erm Derek Simpson (the Unite leader - who knew?) it's hardly Thatcher v Scargill is it? Less Ali v Foreman more like Ali Bongo v George Formby.

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