As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


Well...waking up was rough this morning. We had a sub (kind of) in math again today. That's four days in a row (counting last Wednesday...or was it Tuesday?). Point of the story is that Martin has been gone for a while and my mornings have become a lot easier. Dubin was as usual... In chem we made our own imaginary periodic tables and in bio we did a worksheet. Everyone in Euro is getting ready for tomorrow, which is our European Enlightenment Salon. We all have to dress up as a person that we were assigned for our project. Expect a blip of my class for tomorrow. I'll be dressed as Moliere (I doubt you know who he is; I didn't). I earned so many points in Just Dance today in gym. In Italian I foretold Jenna's future of marrying Anthony... Today was the first real meeting of Kara and Grace's book club. We read "A Child Called 'It'" and it was such a heart-wrenching story. I suggest you all read it. We talked about it for a while and then I went to practice. We had a workout... I got running tights from Sports Authority this evening and I hope I use them would be a shame if I just spent $50 on tights and then sucked on Saturday...

Word of the Day: Churlish - Boorish or rude

#52 ~ Court dismissed. Bring out the dancing lobsters.

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