As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Enlighten Me

So embarrassing. Today was our AP Euro Enlightenment Salon and we all had to dress up as our characters. I was the French playwright and actor Moliere. I walked around all day wearing a table cloth, a wreath on my head, and a fake mustache. I got so many stares. All of the kids in my class decided to walk in packs. We literally never walked alone. Ever. When we got to Euro we ate food and talked to each other (in character, of course). It seemed as though half of the faculty came by to visit. There were many members of the school board present and they asked some pretty difficult questions. The dean was visiting and was kind enough to take this picture for us. After school we took the science olympiad picture and I worked with Hailey on forestry for a little bit. At practice I just ran three miles with Dan and then we did strides. We went to Runner's Edge so he could pick up some compression shorts for the meet tomorrow. We ran into the gentleman and scholar that goes by the name of Walsh and talked for a while about nothing. Now I'm home with stuff to do but no will to do it.

Word of the Day: Altruistic - Unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others

#53 ~ Moliere was born on January 15th, 1622....

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