Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Rocket Claws

Okay, I will confess right up front that I got this idea from berelaxed and Raspberry. In fact, Rocket took one look at their blip today and demanded that I adorn him in red and take his photo. Lacking a proper cat-hat, I used a human one which didn't seem to bother Himself at all. Of course, he didn't want to spend much time posing, so I got a few shots before he left the room in a bit of a huff. Cats... you've gotta love 'em.

I almost blipped another red-hatted creature...the male red-bellied woodpecker showed up this afternoon for a snack while I was working, announcing his arrival in his usual noisy way. I was able to creep to the window and get off a few shots, this one being the favorite because it shows his beautiful red crest. In keeping with the holiday theme, I also saw a male cardinal having a quick cocktail at the bird bath today, while two American Robins waited their turn.

Tomorrow starts our annual "tree trimming weekend" with my girlfriends. My friend Peg is arriving tomorrow (she lives in China so her being here is a major event!) and Kura arrives on Saturday. There will be wine, rum cake, wine, cheese, wine, and ... oh, did I mention wine??

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