Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Fab shoes.

This is the remnants of last night's outing, everything just dropped on the floor on my way to bed! I quite liked how all my red and black stuff looked in a wee pile this morning and to be honest need no excuse to show off my new patent shoes!

I'm not a 'heels' person, I live in my trainers and even any smarter shoes I own are completely flat, but I fell for these as soon as I saw them. They are fab and 50's and high enough to feel special but low enough that I can still walk in them!
(I know they don't look very high and in fact aren't at all but when the highest thing you own is a pair of converse you feel like you're towering ten feet tall with just an inch of heel! To tell the truth I'd be completely unable to walk in anything higher than this.)

Plus I've always loved black patent shoes, I remember having a wonderful pair at the age of six that I even slept in for about a week when they were new. My feet grew far too quickly for my liking and I was still trying to cram them on when they were much too small. Gutted. I never got over it.

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