Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

The KL trip 02

In the morning of the second day, I filled in the immigration visa application form, Bob picked me up and drove me the 90 minute trip back to the embassy. I collected a numbered ticket and headed down to the photocopy room. Indonesians have a thing about duplication, every street in Indonesia has a photocopy shop. Why I didn't obtain my copies elsewhere, as the copy room was manic with about 150 people all brandishing documents for duplication. Indonesians queue like they drive, if one lane is full, just start another and another and?.

I got back to the visa room just as the next number to mine was called, but managed to rescue the extended wait of taking a new number and my documents were accepted and paid for. The cost of the visa had more than doubled in the last six months, from Rm74 to Rm174, leaving me Rm100 lighter than expected. This trip was not going well at all. The return flight was now Rm300 out of reach, so I was faced with a four or five day road trip with a couple of ferries thrown in for good measure. The only good part was that I would be sailing past Anak Krakatoa, so a decent blip opportunity was on the books, but knowing my luck I would probably set the thing off.

Bob picked me up and we returned to Sam's, visa functions completed for the day, pick-up after 14:00 the next day.

Bob - taxi driver extraordinaire. I first met Bob some fifteen years ago, when I came to KL to design cars for Proton. He drove about ten of the lads back and forth to work and even arranged other cabs when he could not meet the demand. More than that, he even paid electricity and cable bills for us all, saving us having to take time off work, looked after family and guests on shopping expeditions and acted as a general tour guide. He came to all our parties and BBQ's and was an integral part of our community.

Knowing his love of football, we all chipped in and sent him to France for the world cup and again we sent him to Korea and Japan, that is how much we valued this guy, who enriched all our lives with his merchant seaman stories and by simply removing the tedious problems of our lifestyles. If there is a heaven, this guy has already booked his place for sure.

Bob also offered to lend me Rm400 for the journey home, which will be paid back in a couple of weeks, this in addition to all the driving around that he has done for me on this and previous trips. When I get back to work, Bob will be receiving a serious bonus envelope that will make him smile. The flight ticket home assured, my stress levels receded somewhat and I was able to relax.

Bob's not comfortable around cameras, I tried to move around for a more creative shot, but his head just follows. I chatted away with him hoping for a more candid opportunity but as soon as I touched the camera he just froze again. I did not wish to push my friend out of his comfort zone so you will just have to make do with a mug shot.

To be continued.


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