Journey Through Time

By Sue

Macro Madness

Just checking to make sure my little Canon Elph will take the occasional macro if I so desire. It does. Maybe not as well as the Canon G11 that I am selling, but it'll do...And I'm gonna get those macro rings I think.

So, after telling the world how nice and wonderful our son is, what do I get in return? His cold. Not a knock out bad cold, but a drippy head cold, nonetheless. As it hit yesterday and last night, I didn't have the most comfortable night in the world. Woke up to pain in my ears. Now that I am upright, that went away. Thankfully.

It's too bad I feel rather punk because it's a lovely day and it would have been so nice to get out and about. But what you get are those Maple seeds in super macro. That's okay. It is just another day...there is always tomorrow.

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