The second half of life..

By twigs

Totem smile

My internal body clock woke me early but my conscience allowed me a guilt-free lie in. Bliss :)

Tootled off to the market mid-morning where I managed to collect 101 smiles including this Totem smile which I think is rather funky. I'm lovin' this project - I'm meeting so many lovely people many of whom are really interested in what I'm doing and are very happy to stop and chat. Very cool :)

Today my list of smiles included:

2 colleagues
the local MP
a stone carving
several former students
a full-face moko
a toy sheep

Came home to a lot of photo editing and a bit of gardening.

On a Quantum Consciousness Transformation course tomorrow which I'm really looking forward to.

This is what weekend's are meant to be like!


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