Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Every cloud has a pink lining......

I know this isn't the best evening sky shot but I just love that it has hints of pink in it :)

A busy day that has involved a bit of work this morning followed by legs being waxed, a pedicure and then a much needed trip to the hairdressers....seriously my roots were record breaking!

We are off out to Jamie's Italian in Nottingham tonight with some friends and some friends of friends - 2 of the people I don't know so this makes me nervous as I can be a bit shy (no, honestly, I really can). I also have been dithering over what to wear, you know what us girls are like. As it is 30 miles or so from us, Si is driving meaning I can be on the booze and down some dutch courage! We have already pre-ordered our food and for the life of me I cannot remember what I ordered for us both.

Lady LaLa has already warned me of the steep steps to the toilets so I am sure I will fall arse over tit slip over in my high heels and make it a memorable evening!

Looking forward to a day relaxing tomorrow. Maybe a massive walk followed by a day in the snug. I am thinking of this recipe by Jamie Oliver for dinner tomorrow. I saw it on telly during the week - how yummy does it sound :)

Hope you all have a fab Saturday evening x

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