a town called E.

By Eej

You know Dancer? ...

Judging by the state of the parade Michigan is still as poor as a very poor thing; the same mangy costumes and cheap-looking floats. But there's plenty of candy being thrown around and Santa's HO-HO-HO's are jolly as ever. Parades are ever so awesome.
Nobody fell off a float (as I hoped yesterday) but because the reindeer would be on display at the parking lot of one of the banks, I hoped I might catch some kid chewing. That is, until I saw the massive bars around their enclosure.
As I was moving about, dodging strollers and grandma's in my Quest for a Barless Reindeer, the owner of the reindeer - I mean, Santa's Stable Boy, apologised for the steel bars. "FDA regulation", he said. I showed him the last photo I had taken: "I did okay!", I said happily.

And then he proceeded to tell me all about baby zebra's, bottle feeding reindeer, camel smuggling and his 5 adopted children.
I love when this camera opens up doors to people's insides.

And yes, this girl's name is Dancer. And her daughter's name is Clorisse - but she doesn't know how to fly yet, she's too young. And reindeer are nice animals, they don't normally chew on children. Unless they are really, REALLY naughty.
The children, that is.

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