Singing in my Chains

By Cadi

Book group

Today, I hosted book club. And having broken the first rule of book club by talking about book club , I thought I'd post this photo of the remnants. As host, I got to choose the book so I went with Patrick McGuiness's Last 100 Days (the grey book in the foreground). I wanted to choose something the historians would like and they did, which was pleasing. The next person to host, Sharif, has picked Alice in Wonderland which I think is an inspired choice.

All in all, a lovely lunch - the food went down well, especially the bara brith - and the company, as ever, was lovely and gossipy. Still, next time I'll host, I'll try not to go out dancing the night before only to fall into bed at 4am. It's all Sirohada's fault...

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