Sugar grains

The current state of my weather widget is enough to put anyone into a fit of depression, with not a glimpse of sun in prospect between this and the end of the week, so it was all the nicer to wake to bright sunshine this morning. I needed to be up and about early, not having got as much work done yesterday as I should have, and I rather sleepily got some brekky together. That's when I spilled some sugar. When I went to sweep it up I noticed it was glittering nicely in the sunlight. So I swept the grains onto a sheet of coloured paper, placed the lot strategically in a really brightly-lit patch and went all macro. Result: blip sorted before 8.00 am for a change -- pity it's taken twelve hours to transfer it from the camera and actually publish it (pity also that I've only now back-blipped yesterday) ... busy, busy, busy ...

p.s. I notice that this just happens to be my 400th blip, so let's just pretend that there are 400 grains of sugar involved.

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