whatcha looking' at?

8:30pm, sitting down to a wee treat at home.

This weekend has been full. Lots of good things, full of life. And no sign of the Christmas tree going up yet. Seems like people are keen for this year to move on, given the number of trees and decorations that are up and lit.

But not here. Not yet anyway.

I put my glasses in this blip as my eyes feel quite tired. I've had my glasses on most of the day, which is quite unusual for me. But what have I been looking at all day?

Make me think that we spend a whole lot of time looking, but how much do we actually see.

I don't was to look at everything and see nothing. Perception is a process. Yes, it can happen in an instant, but there's so much more to seeing than just looking.

Perhaps it's the wee boy in me that would still like to be a scout who spies out the land. Who understands what they are are seeing and brings back a good report.

There are some things I can see really easily, others less-so.

Here's to honing our abilities to see beyond the surface glance. To really perceive.

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