
By earthdreamer


First, thanks for the wonderful reception to last night's Moondreamery. It had been a bit of a rough day and that was, to be honest, a bit of a desperate, last minute, throwaway kind of shot. When I looked at it later, it definitely seemed to have a little special something. I love it that out of nowhere, by some mysterious combination of qualities that lies beyond words, an image can engender such a strong feeling in this way. You all seemed to agree that it was indeed very dreamy. It was really lovely to pick up all those comments after I'd taken a break. You lot are truly fantastic mates. Again I'm sorry that it's proving so hard to reciprocate in kind at the moment.

Carrying on from yesterday, today started none too well. I was rather absentmindedly cutting a slice of bread when the knife slipped and went to my finger. I immediately grabbed hold of it and held very tight. I've experienced this before. With a really clean and sharp cut you don't feel anything for a while. I sat there holding on ... and waited. Nothing for a few seconds. I thought I might have got away with it, but then the pain receptors started receiving and transmitting signals. And then there was blood. Oh shit! I really didn't want to look. I hate that feeling when you really don't know what the extent of the damage is and it's just easier to pretend that it's not too bad rather than face up to the possibility of the worst.

That strategy only works for so long though! I was fully expecting to see the end of my finger almost sliced through, but when I did pluck up the courage to look it wasn't so bad. It did take a very long while for it stop bleeding though. I always find distraction is the best policy in these situations, so I bandaged it all up and went for a run on the moor. It was perishing cold, but with a good few inches of snow lying on the ground it was quite magical up there. I'd almost forgotten about the finger by the time I got back! My rule of thumb is that if the bleeding is no worse after a good run then it probably doesn't need stitches!

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