The second half of life..

By twigs


I made the final move today from a small 2-person office to the 'big' office. Hmmm - I have some things to learn about working in an open plan environment that has been established over the past 12 months. I feel a bit like an outsider (I even got told off for having a quiet meeting with a colleague!) Learning to live with it will be a new challenge for me :)

After work there was an afternoon tea for ex-staff. Each year we do this and each year lots of familiar faces from the past come in and we have a brief catch-up. It's a great way the school shows it's appreciation for former employees - some of whom go back to the very, very early days of the school in the late 50's/early 60's. Good stuff.

My poor wee Bene is still very off colour and has hardly eaten anything. At least he has settled into his comfy basket so as long as he stays indoors I can keep a watchful eye on him.

More rain today - the garden is feeling very spoiled!

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