Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Windy Puddle

It was a windy night with stormy squalls that brought with them hailstones that sounded as if they were the size of golf balls as the bounced off the roof! This morning it was still gusty with little brightness in the sky as the showers threatened to join together into more general rain.

I don't know how you working blippers find time to blip as I am struggling to find time simply by doing a few days decorating! Anyway, as I left the house this morning a bright period appeared and I pointed the camera at it for a quick blip. While doing so the next cloud was rolling in from the west as the previous shower was about to hit Arran.

With all the rain and hail there were lots of puddles in front of the river. I decided to use this one for reflections as it was sheltered in part from the strong wind. Not a dramatic sunrise, but more like the morning weather we encounter here at this time of year.

Thanks again to everyone for all the stars and favourites over the last 3 days. A Spotlight hat-trick is just amazing and I am stunned!

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