Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Sheltered From The Storm

The storm that was forecast hit us this morning and is still rattling the slates on the roof as I type. However, although we are on the west coast of Scotland we are on the east side of Kintyre, which means we avoid the worst of the heavy seas.

I wanted to blip something to show the strength of the wind and settled on this shot of the fishing fleet sheltering in the harbour. Despite the offshore wind the storm whipped up the sea and sent spray everywhere. I did go onto the harbour for a few shots of the boats, but with the wind and spray in my face there was no way I was taking the camera from under my jacket!

I retired to the car and watched as a Seal surfaced in the harbour with a Skate in its mouth, no doubt thrown overboard by the fishermen working on the boats. The seal had great difficulty in eating the skate and was holding onto it with its flippers as it tried to tear meat from it. I never knew seals used their flippers in this way, so that was something I learned today. The poor thing was constantly harassed by Sea Gulls every time it surfaced as they tried to steal some morsels of the fish.

Hope fellow blippers are managing to ride out the storm OK!

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