Goldfinches finally

I did some clearing and cleaning today, which involved going in and out of the house to the cabin quite often. When I first went there, some goldfinches were feeding, and just like the others times over the last week they didn't take kindly to my presence and shooed off.

When I had finished my chores, I came out again with my camera, but this time I sat out quietly by the garden table and enjoyed the setting. It was bright and breezy and when the sun shone was warm enough to feel comfortable. A few birds did attend; bullfinches, tits, a pair of nuthatches, a greenfinch, blackbirds and the regulars, the magpies and crows. The goldfinches were nearby as I could hear them chattering away in their charm at the top of the ash tree.

I was surprised by a whirlwind of long-tailed tits who were so swift and flighty, exploring the various feeders, then rushing off to other gardens no doubt for a better feast. I do love the long-tailed tits as they are such fun. I didn't manage any good shots of them as I was shooting into the sun.

Much later I finally got my target when these two goldfinches sat down together on top of a shrub, to escape the rising wind and digest the mouthfuls of sunflower seeds they had scoffed. My settings were all over the place, so the image is a bit strange, but I like it.

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