Me, myself & I

By AlisonMM

What a load of old rubbish!

No, I'm not talking about the programmes on TV (except Frozen Planet which FANTASTIC!), or stand up comedians' jokes, or even the state of the country (or may be I am!) I'm referring to litter and the disposal of said litter. This picture is of a small piece of waste ground at Ashford Station (Surrey not Kent). (The reason I was travelling from Ashford will be explained below.)

Why can't people put litter in the bin or take it home with them rather than just throwing it away over the fence. The OM gets a bee in his bonnet about litter. Down his road every Sunday morning there appears vodka bottles and beer cans that have been dropped out of a stationery car. Sometimes there are burger boxes as well. He collects carrier bags full of rubbish every week.

The recycling men are just as bad. Rubbish gets dropped/blown out of the boxes on collection and they don't bother to pick it. You can always tell when it's recycling day in our area from the amount of rubbish floating down the road. The OM had complained to the Council and they say they've had words.

Rant over. The reason I travelled from Ashford this morning is that my beloved cat Joey has gone to the vets today to have one of his thyroid glands removed. I hope he's going to be OK. The vet has just phoned me to say he's just about to go down for surgery and explained the risks to me. I'm hoping he will come home tonight but they might keep him in overnight. I will do an update later to let you know how he gets on.

Joey is home and doing well. In fact he quite lively and very hungry!

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