Friday Foto

By drmackem

Run like the wind

Really only had a narrow window of blipertunity today driving between work premises. As those UK blippers who live up t'north will appreciate we've been having a lot of weather today - and my journey midday was accompanied by the worst locally.

The roads were flooding, the rain was fast, heavy and horizontal, the wind was strong. So I decided to drive the more scenic route in search of some poor creature having it worse than the rest of us and wind down window and shoot. The poor sheep. Most of them were leaning against the stone wall in abject misery. Then as I was about to move on, the farmer came into view, presumably sensing worse to come, and led them to kinder ground.
I've never seen sheep moves so fast.

Trying from the confines of the car to shoot something giving a sense of motion I took this,it is bordering on sureal. See how they run!
If our house on the hill doesn't blow away overnight, I'll return to less abstract photography tomorrow

PS Hope you Scottish blippers are safe.

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