Getting Blown Away

This is the members of the Thursday Club getting blown over by the 90mph winds that howled and battered Scotland today (and still are)! Of course that's the reason that's it's blurry!!

Loads of schools closed, airports, bridges, roads and trees and flooding blocking roads. Managed a blustery walk with Breagha in the morning and it was bad then but steadily got worse as the day progressed. Cameron's school remained open, but parents could take their children home if they wanted. I just left them there till the usual time. Took them to Playbugs at Tiso, but the Playbugs was shut, staff allowed to leave early so they morphed into ninjas with ties round their heads, jackets round their waists and played in the tents and some slidy floor at the changing rooms. The shops was deserted apart from me and some staff so no one was annoyed.

Heard there was 160pmh wind recorded at Cairngorm! Hope the reindeers are ok!

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