Crazy Red

By crazyred


I heard them, I swear. Weddingbells that is. Heh.

Walking through the center of my hometown, several carriages and horses stood at the ready to drive some newly weds to wherever newly weds are going.
The horses and carriages including the old drivers attracted a big crowd. This high hat and gloves were the silent witnesses to all the attention. To me it was a view with a smile and a great blippertunity. So there.

I wonder if a top hat would look good on me? Hmm. Where is the nearest hat store? Well, as it turned out, there isn't one for miles around. Sigh. I really would like to have tried one on. To late to think about it when I was near that carriage where I took the blip. I should have put that one on my big head.

Make note to self: must show rest of blippers a blip of my bowler hat and bowtie some day.

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