midwife crisis

By lulubelle

bleak winter alliums

What a cold grey old day. It started with a late morning due to late night with a house of happy teenagers. The sun was peeping through this morning and I should have grabbed the frosty moment, but tea in bed with Hubs had more appeal.

Xmas tree trauma this morning. Our lovely little live tree that's potted and has quite happily come in for the Xmas period for the last 2 years had had a bit of a rough year and is showing the strain after being left out in a North facing aspect and quite reasonably didn't like it. I've been a bad plant mumma and not headed the warning signs and am paying the price > major wilt, sadness and huge pine drop in less than 24 hours. So emergency care is under way. tree outside again, south facing, feed and sheltered.

So I've bought a fake one! OMG!!! Booo hissss! And you know what? It looks great with all the baubbly nonsense & sparkly bits on it. No lovely smell of pine, but no needles either.

These alliums in the front garden are still giving pleasure to me even in their winter skeletal state.

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