Journey Through Time

By Sue

Teddy Bear Ornament

Macro rings came. This is just a fast, first attempt at trying them out. This little bear ornament, holding his toy boat (say that fast three times), is one of my favorites and sits in my curio cabinet all year, until he is put on the tree, then back in the cabinet.

Poor Bill is where I was last Saturday...drippy head cold. The boys are messing with the Christmas tree. The guys went out yesterday and cut a tree and set it up last yesterday afternoon, and filled it with water. Darn thing sucked all that water up really fast and of course, we didn't notice until this morning. Added more water, but it was too late...they are having to recut the bottom of the tree as it sealed over. It'll be okay now. And we will check it really often this time. This Christmas stuff never goes smoothly.

The dreary, foggy day is back. Really cold, too. We are in a spell of dry weather, which isn't what we are used to this time of year. Won't be long before there will be reports of low snow levels, which means "are we going to be in a drought situation in the spring", water rationing next summer and THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT. Well, not really, but you know how news people are.

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