Learning day by day

By EmmaF

The Moon

Busy old day today. Woke with a cold, not the best way to start the day. Did house stuff while kids and Jim were at the gym.

Then the afternoon was spent with Carys cycling, William making Christmas cards, Carys making peppermint creams, very messy but great fun (if you are reading this and you get some for Christmas, please act surprised).

We then headed to the Christmas Tree Festival at one of the local Churches. The trees were amazing. Carys' school had done one from Hama beads, there were ones decorated with sweets and a knitted one of the royal wedding. She had knitted the balcony scene and Kate walking down the aisle.

As we headed home we saw the moon, now I know in some parts of the world there had been an eclipse, but not near us. Having said that it was an odd orangey colour, which had faded somewhat by the time I got into the garden to shoot it.

The evening consisted of some medicinal mulled wine and mindless TV.

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