Learning day by day

By EmmaF

The All Weather Pitch at night

This is what my bedroom looks on to. Carys can hear the player's voices in her room at the front when her windows are on vent and now the college are going to apply for planning permission to extend the hours of play until 10pm at night.

It wasnt going to be my blip, I had hoped to get a shot of Carys as Mary in the play, but no cameras were allowed. The school have taken some shots which we will be able to buy and I got the impression form the Deputy Head that he would be passing a couple my way anyhow.

The kids were fantastic. Carys was very serene as Mary. As her teacher said 'She has a serene quality that some of the other don't.' All in all it was a lovely afternoon.

This is a back blip as I heard some news on Friday night that made me count my blessings and posting a blip then,didn't really seem all that significant.

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