Time Flies

I often look at this picture of me holding a cherished family member and think it was recent. In two weeks he'll celebrate his second Christmas and I shall be in my third job since the photo was taken. I'm in it now of course, but you know what I mean. Just seems so recent, but it really isn't. Time really does fly by.

It didn't fly by at eleven this morning when I was rudely awoken surprised by next door chainsawing wood in his front yard. I finally decided that after a year I'd had enough. I got out of bed charged out the house and confronted him before really giving it any thought. The thing is this knob cuts wood on weekend mornings and he does it in the front yard right outside either my bedroom or my lounge. The noise is so deafening it drowns out my TV. I had reached my own breaking point.

Kind of.

I was a bit lost as to what to say when I arrived. I remember to swear at least twice to show him I meant business, and I donned a baseball cap for that air of menace. I asked him how long he intended to do it and he answered '20 minutes. My answer went along the lines of 'make sure it is because I've just worked six days in a row and I don't want my morning interrupted by your fucking chainsaw'.

Fifteen minutes later it stopped, and since then I've barely heard a mouse fart from the usually busy joining wall.

In other news that Christmas is coming isn't it? I've got a couple of presents sorted, but how hard is buying presents? Many of you know I have a knew significant other, and we're at that stage whereby a jokey / light hearted present won't be acceptbale - it has to be thoughtful and have some real sincerity behind it.

Do you think she'd like a PS3? I could throw in Infamous 2 and Unchartered 3 (both PS3 exclusive games...) No? Really?

What about that 3D TV and Blu-ray player deal that Tesco (spit) are offering? I'd let her keep it at mine. No?

Vouchers it is then.

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