
By Mememe

Pop It In The Box

An early start for me today as I was taking a friend to the RUH Bath {hospital} to be fitted for a hearing aid, her appointment was for 9am so we were left from hers before 8am, thankfully the traffic was pretty good and we were there well before 9, a good job as the department she wanted was the other end of the hospital! She was in with the person for almost 40 minutes but came out happy.

We were back into Chippenham before 10.30am which was great as Chippenham Mind had a lunch at the Angel Hotel. There were about 17 of us and we had a lovely meal.

After lunch I decided to try to find a new paper shredder as I had killed the one we had, after discussing where to get one from I decided to go into Robert Dyas and if I couldn't find one there then I was going to go to Argos, but Dyas had some at reduced prices so I got their biggest one!

Knowing that lunch might go on for a while I had parked up near the Police Station where the parking is slightly cheaper for 3 hrs than the rest of Chippenham. The car park is a bit more out of town {but not far} I had left the shredder at Dyas as I
didn't want to carry it all the way back to the car.

I must have walked past this mail box before but hadn't noticed it. I have tried to find out more info regarding it but have drawn a blank, maybe I will have to try Dave { the font of all knowledge, well his father used to work in a fairly high position for the Post Office} just for my own pleasure.

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