It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Uh oh I'm in trouble....

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy I had SUCH a great time on my walk this morning but crikey am I in trouble tonight....

This is what happened...

Mum thought she would take me on our favourite walk along the country path to the sea wall. I LOVE it there. There are loads of sniffs and the lots of pools to jump in and out of along the wall. I was trotting along having a really good play and generally behaving myself. Mum was calling me a good girl lots of times.

Then we turned down the country path to go back to the car. Mmmm, I always know that's the end of the walk, so I hung back a bit and just stared at mum.

Eventually I decided I had better go with her but........ ooooooooo ........suddenly there was a GORGEOUS smell coming from one of the fields and guess what?? I found a hole in the thick bushes so I squeeeeeezzzzzed myself through.

I think I kinda heard mum hollering for me but I was too intent on finding this yummy smell. I had my head down and was running hell for leather towards the smell. Oh WOW .......Mmmmmm it was a GIANT pile of cow manure. FANTASTIC....

Mum was still yelling through the bushes, so I looked up for a moment and OH MY GOODNESS......I was surrounded by these GIANT scary looking cows. They were all staring at me so I started giving them a good woofing. Grrrrrrrrrrrring and woofing, grrrrrrring and woofing. 'Don't mess with me' I woofed.

I tried to run back the way I came but I was lost. I couldn't find the tiny hole I had squeezed through. I could hear mum running up and down the path frantically calling my name but I couldn't get to her. So I turned round and kept woofing at those scary cows.

By this point mum's voice was VERY high and VERY frantic and she was saying quite a few rude words. I did see her head poke through the bush a few times but I just ignored her.

I got a bit bored of woofing at the cows after a while and decided I would go back for a good old roll and scoff of the giant cow manure pile.

I think I stayed in the field for about 20 mins but then mum went a bit quiet, so I found myself a hole and rushed to find her.

Apparently she had been trying to climb the gate into the field but some cows had surrounded it and wouldn't let her in!

I was snapped firmly on my lead and then at home there was no nice warm bath. Oh no. I had to stand and be hosed down in the garden :-(

Mum has hardly been able to look at me all day. She said that looking after a 2 year old and a 5 year old last week was MUCH easier than walking a naughty me??!!!

I think I have a lot of creeping to do tonight! Oops!

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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