
I mentioned some time ago my friend's mother, who'd been in hospital for some time, was diagnosed with PSP, and was given at most six months to live. Somehow I knew when Michael's name came up on my mobile display that it was to tell me bad news. Sure enough, he'd got an urgent call to come home from Budapest, and his mother died yesterday afternoon.

I met him this afternoon and brought him, his partner and his partner's mother over to the funeral home. We all went for a bite to eat afterwards, and we parted company around 7.30 pm. The church removal is tomorrow evening, and the funeral mass is on Monday morning followed by the burial in Kilkenny, way down in the Irish midlands. I offered a helping hand and a shoulder to cry on, and I'm glad to say that michael has taken me up on the offer. I'll be at the church tomorrow evening, of course, and Michael has just now phoned to accept my offer to provide transport on Monday from the church in Dublin down to the burial in Kilkenny. It's all very sad, and Michael is taking it badly, but his mother has been through really bad times over the last six months or so, was really very seriously ill, and is certainly better off having left this life behind.

This blip is a little memorial to the memory of Michael's mother Mary, a lovely lady who I was very fond of.

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