'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Stormy weather

Brrrrrrrr! Winter arrived in the South West last night, I lost most of the fence so know what I will be doing at the start of the holidays!

I saw this storm heading our way from the moors whilst walking the dogs in the fields. You have approximately 20 minutes before it hits us, depending on how windy it is! I managed to get back to the house, put the dogs in the car, change my boots and coat and start driving towards town, before it hit!

Three beautiful things:

The Polar Express - I just love this film and even have one of the bells from Santa's sleigh! I can hear it ring so definitely still believe ;-)!

Visitors - who loved the school and it's very special feeling!

Snuggles - with the pets! They are all sat on the sofa snuggled up and snoring, whilst I write this!

One thing to be grateful for:


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