Blippin' Bubbles

A grey windy old day with a bit of rain every now and then.

Gave the bathroom and toilet room a good going over today - it is worth the effort as everything looks sparkling clean. Just have to scrub the shower but find it hard to get down on my knees and almost impossible to get up so may have to entice one of the youngsters in the family to do me a favour!

Didn't get my daily coffee till late afternoon when I went out to pick up a size 4 turkey -won through the Otago Daily Times- and the Havoc ham that we have saved all year for.

By the time I got home my physical status had deteriorated to the point of needing some stronger analgesics so just trying to cruise for the rest of the evening. Still a few things to do before Mother arrives home on Saturday but right now I am of the mind "if they get done well and good if not.....!?"

Early to bed tonight as the car has to be in for a service early in the morning and I will be without wheels for a while - so a walk home via some bill paying and a coffee and then more housework.

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