Labour shortage

Strange as it may seem, Malawi suffers from shortage of labour at this time each year. As soon as the rains come everyone wants to till and sow as soon as possible. Many of the generation who might normally do this have died from HIV/AIDS and only the young and old are left.
We only discovered the extent of the problem in surveys earlier this year, done for another reason. Some of our workers have gone to Zambia to look at what our friends are doing on Conservation Agriculture. One of the many benefits is that it will enable farmers to till minimum amounts, with less of a rush, beginning as early as August.
These guys seem to be having fun, but should be in school!

Harisen wrote:


Went to Kadambo village to install more pumps, but we were caught in heavy rains.

I managed to take some pictures on the way, the kids were coming from the field making ridges ready to plant maize.

Regards to all.

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