Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Home Alone

Well honestly Ferd is getting better at being left alone - he doesn't get as stressed now we have the DAP defuser but as you can see we still have more work to do.

Its a good job we don't like the blinds.

We had to leave him alone this evening as it was Vet trip time Lady Dru and Queen Zara needed boosters.

Lady Dru was all fine but we have discovered that she now has a slight heart murmur, the vet assured us that its nothing to worry about at the moment.

And Queen Zara was a big brave girl - we had her weight checked today - when we got her she was 5.05kg this year she is 6.57kg. She is one BIG bunny but healthy. Today was her VHD injection she gets her Mixi in two weeks time. Or though she is a house bunny we ensure that she is up to date with her vaccinations as Kirk is an outside bunny who get to come in and she is allowed outside in the summer (she discovered that its quite nice on the decking in the sun).

But shhh dont tell Ferd when Zara goes back in two week he is also going in - his ears aren't really clearing up, they're not bothering him which is why we were happy to wait but I think its time for medicated drops and just to check that its not ear mites.

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