Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Simply Ferd

Have been tidying all day and there is still more to go - by tidying I mean finding space for boxes that still need to be sorted through *sigh* they arrived from inlaws as they have recently moved.

And I have been moving things around in my studio to try and turn it into a makeshift bedroom. Thinking that there is just enough room to lay down if my office chair is taken out and then feet go under the table - cozy!

Had a mini panic as we couldnt find the Christmas tree (with Bunnies we cant have a real one) but it has now been located so hoping that we will have enough time to get it up tomorrow otherwise it will have to wait until Wednesday afternoon as we are going to Meadowhall on Monday (off to see the Hobbit and play in the lego store).

My wreath rings haven't arrived :( hope that they arrive Monday I want to make my bauble wreath.

Jobs still to do -
finish tidying and making room for tree
decorated said tree
make dog biscuits for presents
make mince pies
make gingerbread
feed more alcohol into cake
ice cake
buy last few presents
wrap presents
get sausages, bacon and black pudding for Christmas dinner of a full English breakfast
try and make Ferd look presentable
book Drusilla in for her booster

eep am I going to get it all done?

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