In Between Days

By jase

Bottom of the Bed

The kids were a lot better today. Alana wasn't quite fully fit but she really wanted to go to school. The friend she had a present for went home ill today so there must be something going round. If only all illnesses were just one day or even a just a night!

Louis is still obsessed with Zelda. He is now miles ahead of my character. He talks Zelda when he gets up and his last words before sleeping are not goodnight but more along the lines of have we made sure we've saved his game. Some Wii rationing may be in order but with Christmas coming up I can't see it happening just yet.

For all his faults I am a great admirer of Christopher Hitchens who died today aged 62. His battle with cancer was brave and if you read his own writings on how he faced this I think most people would have huge respect for the courage he showed, whether you agreed with his often controversial views or not. A good time to finish his book I think. Here is a quote from that book and for some reason the bit which sticks in my mind, I don't know why (or maybe I do). It's part of the forward he wrote after he had been diagnosed.

"If there is anybody known to you who might benefit from a letter or visit, do not on any account postpone the writing or the making of it. The difference made will almost certainly be more than you have calculated"

RIP Hitch.

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