Big Snow...

Aside from making one of the greatest and most quotable films ever in Pullp Fiction, Quentin Tarantino has had one notable influence upon my life. Tonight I added a second influence.

The first is taken from the scene in Pulp Fiction where Butch goes back to his apartment to get his fathers war watch. It's on the kangaroo ornament. When he gets back to it, he takes it off the ornament and puts it on his wrist. The watch had one of those elasticated metal straps. That scene made me replace the standard leather strap on my watch and put on an elasticated metal strap. I have since replaced that metal one with a wooden one of my own making but the principle is the same. I can still put the watch on in the same motion that Bruce Willis did in that scene.

Today Quentin Tarantino influenced my choice of desert at our christmas lunch. If I was to say that I took this influence from the film Inglorious Basterds. Do you know what I had for my dessert?

Apple Strudel.

There is a brilliant scene in the film where Christoph Waltz orders and eats an Apple Strudel whilst interviewing a girl. A really brilliant piece of film making very reminiscent of the Big Kahuna scene in Pulp Fiction. I highly recommend the film.

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