an image of teamdel

By teamdel

No Junk Mail

Another bad night for Boy. After my busy day yesterday I was hoping we may miss swimming but it was just wichful thinking. I was glad we didnt miss it in the end as Boy did well and is clearly progressing with it after the few wobbles he has had.

We popped out to the shops today, Boy fell asleep as we set of in the car and we did not manage to transfer him to the buggy well enough to keep him asleep. This meant he was not happy as we wandered about the shops. This was until he spotted a packet of quorn slices on the supermarket shelf which he decided he wanted.

When we were out I spotted this door of a boarded up house. As I took a picture of it a man approached me and asked what was going on. I said I liked the look of the door, thought it was funny and was taking its picture. He stopped by me being a bit intimidating so I sarcastically asked him if it was ok with him. He gave me a look and did his shoe up so I took a few more before walking off.

He held on to them all the way home and until lunchtime when we ate them. He has not been saying much whilst the teeth issues have been effecting him but after lunch he seemed to perk up a bit, so much so that when I jokingly tutted at something wife said and then she said did you tut me, Boy turned around and said "Yeah", and then smiled.

The Boy jollyness continued a bit later when Wife asked him a question and he replied "Yes" whilst burping. He makes me so proud sometimes. On another positive he had a good giggle before bed. It is nice to see him being a bit more cheery. Maybe he is over the worst of the teeth problems.

[iBack blipped for yesterday][/i]

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