Empty on Deck

Continuing to rumble south-east across the Scotia Sea. Still pretty limited visbility, but I'm not complaining, the limited visibility means that the winds are light and the sea fairly flat.

The highlights of today were

(i) crossing the Antarctic Convergence - this is the invisible boundary which separates the warm waters of the south Atlanic from the much colder (and much richer in terms of foodsources) waters of the far south. There is now much more bird life around - mostly petrels of various sorts alongside the albatrosses, and

(ii) the bio-cleaning processes all visitors need to go through before they are allowed to go ashore in South Georgia. This is to ensure that 'invasive' alien species don't get introduced to the island where they might interfere with the local species. I spent a fun-filled few minutes vacuuming my camera bag and all my outer clothing. Velcro is amazingly effective at retaining seeds!


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