Last Minute Dot Com

I bought something for Christmas in an actual shop! After receiving instructions, I assumed Argos would have it so I went there, to discover that this most automated of shops is completely crap - they only have paper catalogues you can flick through. Which section would a child's ice-cream maker be in? Toys? Kitchen? Kitchen toys? Toy kitchens? Well, I got my phone out, searched the Argos website, got the catalogue number and they had 3. Good. 7 minutes to delivery. Also good.

I headed across the road to photograph the view, then returned to the shop. "Number 223," shrieked the girl. "That's me." "What kept you?" "I went out to take a photograph." "Oh! Hahaha. Imagine that in this weather." "Well, it beats waiting in here."

Large view. (14 second exposure) (on my new yellow-split-pea-bag) (because my scotch-broth-bag fell in a puddle) (at least it wasn't my lens).

Then off to The Filmhouse to see We Have A Pope (Habemus Papam), an Italian film about a man not (in the end) becoming Pope. If it had been American, it would have had a warm and cuddly ending. But it wasn't, and it didn't. Great film, warmly funny and yet thought-provoking.

Some lovely music I was listening to today: Balibo by Ego Lemos from East Timor. It says on the Balibo film website that the song is actually a tragic tale, but let's just leave that for another day, shall we?

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