a w a y

By PoWWow


Day one of training and at 8am, we were straight away. A furious day of information : learning this, learning that. Scrubbing here, scrubbing there, scrambling for a grasp. An interesting thing I did discover about my approach to cleaning bathrooms, is that the toilets is by far my favourite part : I derived a great sense of satisfaction from the removal of offending areas and my efforts were instantly recognisable. It's highly likely that this is simply teething toilet euphoria, but I sure did like it. Our new housemate, the infamous Conn the Cook wracked up too, completing our chalet-shite-hot-line-up, so we went out for vin de blanc at the local, very classy, Rusticana bar + chatted about snow, of course.

This picture is of Emma, a colleague of ours. They had us over to dinner + splurged another life defining four courser on us. Looking at her, it came to my thoughts, that I'd better buck up + try to un-scrappy myself for this impending hosting hole I've got myself involved with..

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