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By PoWWow

First lift

As I stood waiting for other Dan first thing this morning, kitted up + eagerly early, I gazed at Mont Blanc standing right before me. The sky, with full promise of climaxing in an elated shade of blue as soon as the sun crept round from the monstrous peaks, was a peaceful smoky blue casting its gaze on the sleeping valley below [+ I would imagine, thinking how lucky it was to be given this part of the world to perform sky duties on]. Lots of locals passing me by in their full elegant ski gear, churning the heel-toe motion on their way also to make contact slicing contact with the virgin pistes. "Bonjour" I gleam; "Bonjour" they say back, all with the same slightly amused expressions on their faces. We weren't far behind these fine older generation specimens, as we were soon slicing through some perfectly patterned runs of our own : extracting everything from the mountain as we could, and exhausting ourselves by 11.30am. Shocking stamina so far, but hoping to be able to churn out some sessions for longer soon. Anyway, it was time to pick up my beautiful DanDan and do a lesson with him, as we did in the handsome afternoon sun. My, he's really picking it up, we can't wait to drift along all the valleys hand-in-hand, and I can't imagine it'll be that long.

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