Friday Foto

By drmackem

A tree

Sorry for the unimaginitive title today.

All bit grey and damp in these parts today. After slower start I ran from the valley up through the bluebell woods, above Middleton around a bit and down. I can usually tell how weary I am am by my mental toughness when running, there wasn't much in the tank today, will recuperate though with care in the next week. Photo is just above the woods in the "horse field"

Just a few light chores to do and tonight youngest cub Benji is playing with his band in a gig, they are coming on well, judging from the noise emanating from the garage, it will be interesting to see how they manage live. They are on late(past my bedtime) so I'll loiter at the back with the other dads drinking capichino in our slippers or something. May report tomorrow.

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