Winter Solstice Gloom

I wanted something suitably dark and forbidding for today's winter solstice gloom. Of course, the thing to hold on to is that as of today the days 'draw out'. We'll barely notice it until mid January but it's there none the less.

Busy morning of meetings. As was the case a couple of weeks ago, I arrived at work in the dark and will leave also under cover of darkness. But this is my last day *at* (not *of*) work until mid January, for various reasons, so perhaps by then the difference will be discernible.

I noticed another blipper has been tagging his blips. This makes me feel fairly virtuous as I have been a dedicated tagger since I joined. I'm not sure I'd have the heart to go through the lot at this stage. I'm damn certain I'd struggle to justify the time away from other stuff, but still I'm as addicted to this whole business as the next person.

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